Goolwa, a popular and a rapidly growing town on the south coast of the Fleurieu Peninsula is also the closest centre to the Murray Mouth. Situated on the Murray River and adjacent to Hindmarsh Island, the town was originally a river port in the mid 1800's where local produce would be transported to Adelaide via rail. However once the railway line opened from Morgan to Adelaide further north (and upstream on the Murray), operations at Goolwa subsided and the town retreated into being a coastal and farming centre until recent times when tourism increased. Goolwa offers a lot to the tourist - excellent safe swimming and surf beaches, the calm waters of the Murray River, Signal Point Tourist and Information Centre, Hindmarsh Island (and its questionable bridge), the Cockle Train (which runs on the original railway line to Victor Harbor) and the Goolwa Barrages. Also in the area is the town of Middleton to the west which is also well known for its surf beaches and the small towns of Currency Creek & Finniss to the north which are becoming popular wine producing areas. Goolwa's town centre is also clean and attractive with various specialty shops on the recently upgraded main street and riverfront region.
1 Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2016 Census Quickstats
Last updated: 22-Dec-2020 22:28
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