Macksville, an attractive town located along the Nambucca River, lies just off the Pacific Highway between Kempsey & Coffs Harbour and is the civic centre of the Nambucca Shire. Established in the mid 1860's as Central Nambucca (name was later changed), the town served as a port for paddle steamers and for the local timber (cedar) industries although once sufficient land was cleared, the town also became important for dairy, fishing and a variety of tropical fruits and vegetables. Of interest in the area include the Cosmopolitan Pub (30km west at Taylors Arm), Mt Yarrahapinni Lookout, Nambucca Heads (10km north), the historic Star Hotel, the Macksville Bridge plus the town has several interesting riverside parks and a prosperous shopping precinct. The town is named after Angus Mackay and Hugh McNally who built the Star Hotel in 1885 - the town became Macks Village before changing to Macksville.
1 Australian Bureau of Statistics, Quickstats 2016, Macksville SSC
Last updated: 22-Aug-2020 2:22
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