Named after Major Archibald Clunes Innes, a former commandant of the Port Macquarie settlement, Glen Innes is located at the intersection of the New England and Gwydir Highways, and is perched high up in the Great Dividing Ranges in the New England region of northern New South Wales. The town is a centre for local wool, sheep, beef and timber industries and is referred to as the Celtic Capital of Australia in acknowledgement of the high number of early settlers in the area - all the main street signs are written in English as well as Gaelic. In town are the spectacular gardens and parks that straddle Rocky Ponds Creek and the main street (Grey Street) is lined with many original and restored buildings painted in heritage colours. Centennial Parklands (1 km east), offer outstanding views over the town and surrounding area, are also home to the Australian Standing Stones - a series of monoliths that are reminiscent of Stonehenge.
1 Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2016 Census Quickstats, Glen Innes (UCL)
Last updated: 27-Oct-2021 2:32
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