A6 | Huon Highway & Southern Outlet (A6) |
Route Numbering:
General Information:
A6 is a highway linking Tasmania's Huon Valley with Hobart. There's a number of agricultural and fishing towns along the route, and the road is Australia's southern-most highway, though there are a couple of numbered routes that venture further south.
The Huon Highway from Huonville to Geeveston is a significant route servicing industry in the region and a major tourist route to the South West Wilderness.
The original Huon Highway (now known as Huon Road) was a twisty two-lane road skirting around Mount Wellington, but most of this was bypassed. This provided a more direct, and higher traffic-capacity, route between Hobart and the Huon Valley.
The Southern Outlet bypasses South Hobart and heads south into the mountainous terrain of Mt Nelson to Kingston. The two lanes heading towards Hobart are separated from the southbound lanes because of the mountainous landscape the Southern Outlet travels through. It is a major State Classified Arterial Truck Route.
The Southern Outlet connects with the Channel Highway, the Huon Highway, the Midland Highway and the Tasman Highway.
The Southern Outlet is one of Hobart's more busier Commuter Highwways handling in excess of 31 000 traffic movements per day. 1
1 Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources
Last updated: 09-Jul-2020 13:58
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