Road Photos & Information: Tasmania
A3 Tasman Highway (A3)


Route Numbering:

General Information:

The Tasman Highway's highest elevation along its length is 623m and the lowest point is at -0.973m.

The Tasman Highway connects with the Arthur Highway, the Colebrook Road, the Domain Highway, the East Derwent Highway, the East Tamar Highway, the Esk Main Road, the Gladstone Road, the Huon Highway Southern Outlet, King Street, the Midland Highway, the Ringarooma Road and the West Tamar Highway.

The Tasman Bridge forms part of the highway crossing the Derwent River in Hobart. The Tasman Bridge is a five-lane bridge and its total length (including approaches) of 1,395 metres – longer than the Sydney Harbour Bridge.


The total cost of the new bridge in conjunction with approach ramps and Lindisfarne interchange was about £7 million. Construction commenced in May, 1960 and the bridge was first opened to traffic (2 lanes only) on August 18, 1964. The bridge was completed with all four lanes operational on December 23, 1964.

On Sunday January 5, 1975, at 21:27, the Tasman Bridge was struck by the bulk ore carrier Lake Illawarra. It caused two pylons and three sections of concrete decking, 127 metres, to fall from the bridge and sink the ship. Seven of the ship's crewmen were killed, and five motorists died when four cars drove over the collapsed sections before the traffic was stopped.

Reconstruction of the Tasman Bridge commenced in October 1975, with a raft of safety features including all road traffic must stop whilst large vessels travel beneath the bridge. During the repair process, the bridge was upgraded to hold a fifth lane. This upgrade included the construction of lane management systems which would enable the new middle lane to function as a reversible lane.

The bridge officially reopened on October 8, 1977. Click here for a web cam of the bridge operated by Rose Bay High School.

Last updated: 10-Jul-2020 9:36

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