Road Photos & Information: New South Wales
Route Number Newell Highway (National Highway 39) (Decommissioned)


Route Numbering:

General Information:

The Newell Highway is the longest highway in NSW, stretching from the Victorian border at Tocumwal to the Queensland border. It's the economic backbone for freight and livestock transporters, tourism operators, caravanners and holiday makers, emergency services, government, media and business owners. 2

The majority of the route is undivided roadway, with various overtaking sections where required.

The Newell Highway is named after HH Newell. He was the first commissioner for Main Roads in New South Wales. He passed away in 1941. 3 Prior to his appointment to the newly formed Main Roads Board on March 9, 1925, he was the District Engineer at the Wollongong branch of the Department of Public Works. 4

Multiplexes along the route include:


Click here for the official Newell Highway web site, which features marketing campaigns, brochures and maps to help promote the regions serviced by the highway.

1 Roads and Traffic Authority, Schedule of Classified Roads and State & Regional Roads, 31 January 2011
2 Roads and Traffic Authority, Road Projects, Western Region, Newell Highway
3 Department of Main Roads, Main Roads of New South Wales brochure
4 Department of Main Roads, The Roadmakers, A History of Main Roads in New South Wales, ISBN 0 7240 0439 4
5 Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, Media Release, Work Underway On Newell Highway Blackspots, 16 November 2009.
6 Roads & Traffic Authority, Rules & Regulations, Newell Highway Reduced Speed Limit
7 Roads & Traffic Authority, NSW Centre for Road Safety, Downloads, Newell Highway centreline marking trial display
8 Roads & Traffic Authority, Projects, Western Region, Moree Town Centre Bypass

Last updated: 12-Jul-2019 0:03

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